Beyond the Basics One Day Workshops | One Day for Each
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The Healing Sounds of Energy
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/ Energy Worker In this innovative, primarily experiential, one day Therapeutic Touch/Energy Workshop, the participant is encouraged to explore another dimension of the Human Energy Field experience. Energy comes in primarily two forms – Sound and Light, but because most of the population tend to be Visual, the Sound aspects of the Energy Field are often ignored. This Workshop will give you greater understanding into how the Auditory sense can be used to great advantage in Energy Work/TT. The sense of Sound is very valuable in assessing and treating the Human Energy Field in Therapeutic Touch. This program will provide background information on Sound and Healing as well as how to practically apply these concepts to energy work. The large experiential component to this Workshop looks at how Sound can affect our own personal development which in turn enhances our skills.
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Working with the Inner Self
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker This primarily experiential workshop will assist the participant to become aware of how the Inner Self is personally perceived and how that connection may be used to deepen the energetic interaction. Before this can occur, the practitioner must first learn to identify and connect with her own Inner Self. In order to more effectively assess the energy field, it is useful to learn ways of connecting with the client on a profoundly deep level. Connecting with the client’s Inner Self provides this possibility. This gives access to the information required to determine the best course of action, or intentionality, in the TT/energetic treatment. This workshop will provide tools to explore the inner world of the practitioner, and to more consistently deepen the state of centeredness to facilitate connection with the client and how to integrate this into the energetic/TT process.
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The Dance of the Inner Selves: Deepening the Process of Connection
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Therapeutic Touch/Energy Worker. Every TT Therapist continually explores the most effective ways to connect with both their own Inner Self and the Inner Self of the client in order for their practice to grow and evolve. This session allows you to experience some ways of understanding how and why the dance of the Inner Selves occurs and how to consciously deepen that connection. The addition of this skill will move your TT practice to another level. Workshop Objectives:To discuss the concept of the Inner Self. To explore ways to connect with your own Inner Self. To create a process to consistently connect your Inner Self with the Inner Self of your client. To understand how the dance of the Inner Selves occurs. To experience the deepening of that connection in the TT process.
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Intuition in Energy Work
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker. This primarily experiential workshop explores how we can use our inner wisdom as a resource not only in doing TT and other energy work but in our everyday existence. We will look at the varying kinds of intuition and learn how to access our intuitive skills more consistently. Once this is second nature, tools for distinguishing fantasy from reality will be explored and practiced. Exercises in moving deeper into the field during assessment and treatment will connect all of this with our practice. A practicum incorporating all that has been presented is the final aspect of this worthwhile session. These tools are invaluable methods of honing your skills.
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Spirituality and Connection
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker In this one day workshop, which is primarily experiential, we will explore the concept of Spirituality that speaks of connection to self, to others, to community and to Higher Power (if that is part of your belief system). Through exercises, we’ll examine this connection from a personal as well as an energetic perspective. The understanding derived from doing so will deepen our perceptions of the energy field and finally, we will connect all of these experiences with our Therapeutic Touch or energy based practice. Valuable methods for honing your TT/energy skills, these tools can be useful to any holistic practitioner.
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Exploring the Chakras
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker This one day experiential workshop, while taught from a Therapeutic Touch perspective is valuable for any energy worker. Firstly, we’ll look at the energy field anatomy and the function of the chakras from the standpoint of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual natures. From there, we’ll examine some of the multitude of emotional and psychological issues associated with each of the chakras and explore how these issues either help or hinder our healing work and our lives. Expect to learn about the most fascinating topic of all – yourself! A variety of exercises will assist in your personal exploration and the day will include a practicum to integrate what you learn into your healing practice. Time well spent for anyone involved in the healing arts.
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Expanding Consciousness – From Here to Infinity
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker The exploration into self-awareness is an ongoing process. What beliefs and expectations influence how our lives could be? Are we worthy, deserving, knowledgeable and competent enough to have richness and plenty in our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical life, our relationships with others and our TT or other energy based interactions? We will explore what richness means to each of us and what it might be like to enjoy this peak experience in all these areas. First, we identify what is our reality now, then what stands in the way of experiencing this richness and finally, creating a plan to move towards our bliss. We will explore the concepts of creativity, perfectionism and forgiveness and how they enhance or detract from our energy based practice and our lives. This workshop helps us view energy work as a metaphor for living, by identifying aspects of the process in the threads of similarity that emerge in the action plans in all these areas of existence.
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The Power of Intention in Healing
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker Intention in Energy Work explores how your moment-by-moment goal during any energy treatment, will help clarify how we create and apply what Dora Kunz (a founder of Therapeutic Touch) called ‘informed intention.’ Sessions will be primarily experiential and will focus on how intention changes the way we approach our practice and our lives. We will assist the participant to become aware of how the Inner Self is personally perceived and how that connection may be used to deepen the healing interaction. Through exercises, we’ll examine how intention as a process is powered by a compassionate yearning to help those in need, and it is this strong desire that carries the consciousness of the energy therapist ever deeper.
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The Role of Passion and Compassion in our Energy Based Practice
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TT/Energy Worker How do we find within us the desire to continue on as an energetic agent of change even when our own lives become challenging? This session explores the nature of passion and compassion within ourselves, for our energy modality and in our lives more generally and how to consciously strengthen and deepen our sense of compassion for our clients, the greater community and ourselves.
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Your Therapeutic Touch Process and Practical Applications of TT
PREREQUISITE: TT Level II/Intermediate. Every Therapeutic Touch Practitioner has had some TT interactions with a client that have been exceptional. We know when it has happened, but do we really know how to identify what about that treatment was different. This 1 day workshop will help us to identify the components of our own TT process so that we can begin to have these profound experiences more consistently. Consistency comes when you can accurately replicate what you did before. This is what must occur for your Therapeutic Touch Practice to move to the next level. For every TT practitioner, regardless of the degree of expertise, there is always a next level. The other component of the workshop is to learn how to practically apply TT in all aspects of our life and not only when we specifically work with clients. We will explore how TT can be used with particular health problems, first aid situations and in the context of our everyday lives.